Roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems at their best attracted 1,025 exhibitors and 65,603 visitors – this is the overall result reported by the organisers of R+T 2018 in Stuttgart, which took place from 27 February to 3 March 2018. “The leading world trade fair was once again a resounding success”, states Ulrich Kromer von Baerle, President/CEO of Messe Stuttgart. “We not only attained our objectives for R+T 2018, but even exceeded them.”
The leading world trade fair was once again able to strengthen its position as an established international industry and innovation platform. Exhibitors and visitors were equally satisfied – both in terms of the trade fair presentations and the accompanying programme.
Trend themes
R+T 2018 again set international standards as regards trend themes. “Whether it was building automation, energy efficiency, safety or comfort – every segment knew how to impress with innovative products and services”, states Sebastian Schmid, Department Director, Technology Trade Fairs, looking back fondly on the event. For example, roller shutters demonstrated their dynamic, intelligent and automatic elements. Top exhibitors from all over the world presented their drive and control solutions. Demonstrations showed how roller shutters combined with smart drive solutions can effectively protect buildings from intruders and combine an energy-efficient design with all-round convenience in houses and apartments.
Doors and gates showed they are still energy efficient, safe and convenient. “Superb technical drive and wireless technology was also showcased in this area”, reports Sebastian Schmid. Individual solutions, which are safe and high quality at the same time, ensured plenty of interest here. R+T 2018 also exhibited many different products and possible applications in the doors/gates sector, which focused on key issues such as fire and smoke protection, security, energy and sustainability.
In the sun protection sector, one notable feature was the combination of appealing design and pioneering technology. “The topic of energy conservation was also key here”, states Sebastian Schmid, adding: “Approaches for enhanced thermal comfort and energy efficiency were very well received among the visitors.” The trade fair offer was rounded off by the latest solutions on topics such as automation, façade integration and networked systems.
“R+T was also able to impress in 2018 thanks to the construction of our new Paul Horn Hall (Hall 10) and the expansion of the West entrance as the hall concept could be optimised and the streams of visitors could be distributed in a more targeted manner”, reports Sebastian Schmid. The integration of new focal points in the trade fair concept, which allowed an expansion of the visitor target groups and the space for the exhibitors to present their entire portfolios, guaranteed overall positive feedback. “In 2018 the area of outdoor living was a huge topic”, adds Sebastian Schmid. Exhibitors and visitors found a contact point for this topic in the Oskar Lapp Hall (Hall 6), which was complemented by a special show in the Rothaus Park.
User-matched accompanying programme
Besides the presentations from the exhibitors, the accompanying programme of the leading world trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems always gives the visitors clear added-value. “With the professional support from our partner associations, knowledge could be acquired here first-hand”, states Ulrich Kromer von Baerle. R+T 2018 started on the evening before the first day of the trade fair with the presentation of the renowned R+T Innovation Prize. Established events such as the special show “New Talents”, the R+S update, the Doors/Gates Forum, the ift special show and the ES-SO Workshop took place with the support of partner associations and were supplemented by new items in the programme for specific target groups, e.g. the special show “Outdoor Ambiente Living”, the R+T Smart Home Forum and the 2nd International Congress on Automatic Doors.
“All elements were well received by the visitors. This shows us that we took into account the market requirements as regards topics”, states Sebastian Schmid with confidence.
Decision-makers from all over the world
R+T 2018 in Stuttgart was even more international than ever before. Of the 1,025 exhibitors in total (2015:888), 774 came from abroad (2015:649).
65,603 visitors (2015:59,057) from all over the world also travelled to the event, of which 38,706 came from abroad (2015:31,891). “A total of 149 countries met in Stuttgart. The majority of visitors, however, came from Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands”, adds Ulrich Kromer von Baerle. In 2015 the visitors spent on average 2 days visiting the trade fair, this year that figure was 2.1 days. “The quality of visitors also increased”, reports the President/CEO of Messe Stuttgart. Similar to 2015, at 66% most visitors came from the roller shutters and sun protection industry (2015:61%), followed by the doors/gates sector at 29% (2015:22%). 18% of the visitors were window manufacturers (2015:17%), there was also a notable increase to 14% in the area of visitors from assembly and maintenance services (2015:7%). A look at the decision-makers present at R+T 2018, including independent contractors, managing directors or members of the board, also provides good figures. Ulrich Kromer von Baerle: “87% of the decision-makers indicated they make purchasing and procurement decisions.” The exhibitors also assessed the quality of visitors positively: 78% rated the visitors “very good” or “good”.
Top marks
“The visitors of R+T 2018 also rated the leading world trade fair positively”, summarises Sebastian Schmid, Department Director. 91% rated the trade fair “very good” or “good” and almost as many would recommend R+T. 81% of the visitors plan on visiting R+T 2021. 57% are of the opinion that the leading world trade fair will become more important in the future owing to the increasing variety of products.
The exhibitors were equally satisfied. Sebastian Schmid: “Two thirds of the exhibitors stated they had attained their trade fair objectives. The decision to exhibit again at R+T in 2021 was already made during the trade fair for 77% of the exhibitors.” 39% of the exhibitors are convinced that the importance of R+T will continue to increase in the future. In their opinion, the reasons here lie in the high international character of the event and its positioning as the meeting place for the roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection industries.
Opinions on R+T 2018
“R+T is an excellent opportunity every three years to obtain a perfect overview at a central location of all new products and innovations in our industry which will significantly shape the course of business in the roller shutters and sun protection industries in the future. I also enjoy engaging in conversation with numerous colleagues from all over Germany as well as the world. In this respect R+T is in the truest sense of the world a marketplace for the entire industry, which it once again impressively proved in 2018.” Heinrich Abletshauser President of the Federal Association for Manufacturers of Roller Shutters and Sun Protection
“R+T continued its successful development as a trendsetter and impulse generator for the industry. The number of exhibitors and visitors rose again. With the new trade fair hall (Hall 10), the doors and gates industry occupied a larger area in 2018 than ever before. Visitors obtained a comprehensive overview of the products and services of manufacturers, who also presented important developments in detail in addition to many innovations. On all trade fair days the Doors and Gates Forum in Hall 10 delivered numerous short presentations on current topics for everyone who deals with doors and gates – this was very well received.” Dr. Claus Schwenzer, 1st Chairman of the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers
“This year over 1,000 exhibitors from all over the world were able to impress the public with all kinds of innovations. Many member companies of the ITRS (Industrial Association for Technical Textiles, Roller Shutters and Sun Protection) from the areas of roller shutters, doors/gates, sun protection and automation exhibited at the trade fair. It is interesting that besides the IVRSA professional group, industrial association for roller shutters, sun protection and automation, many companies from the other professional groups of our association, such as construction technology or digital printing technology, can now also be found at this trade fair. A sign that the cross-industry activities in the ITRS are contributing to targeted cross-fertilisation!” Wolfgang Rudorf-Witrin, President of the Industrial Association for Technical Textiles, Roller Shutters and Sun Protection
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