German exhibition centres will invest more than one billion euros by 2023

German exhibition centres of at least national significance had 2,795,311 m² of hall space at the start of 2019, which was approximately 1.4% less than in the year before (2,835,922 m²). Investment will focus primarily on modernising existing halls or replacing old halls. These are some of the results of a survey conducted by AUMA – the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry – in early 2019.



The survey covered 25 exhibition centres which had held at least one exhibition classified by AUMA as national or international. The reason for the decrease in hall space is that some capacities were discontinued along with the construction of new facilities.

In 2018, more than 400 million euros were invested in exhibition centres with greater than regional significance. This money flowed into e.g. replacement buildings, hall expansion and modernisation, new or restructured exhibition entrances and LED conversion of hall lighting systems.

Hall capacities are expected to increase by 29,387 m² by 2023 (+1%), with 22,558 m² to be available already in the course of 2019. A total of more than one billion euros will be invested from 2019 to 2023, especially in replacing buildings, renovating and modernising halls and conference capacities, and expanding digital infrastructures.

Exhibition centres with regional significance had a total hall space of more than 369,394 m² at the start of the year, which means that Germany currently has around 3.2 million m² of hall space for exhibitions.