Following a successful R+T 2018 in Stuttgart, Anne-Kathrin Müller will be leaving her post as project manager for the world’s leading trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems and taking on new tasks at Messe Stuttgart from November onwards.
Since 2010, Ms. Müller has been a familiar face in the sector and a competent partner for both exhibitors and visitors to R+T. “I was welcomed with open arms right from the start, and I really can’t remember a day where I didn’t enjoy doing my job. It has been a pleasure to work here,” she says. Sebastian Schmid, responsible for R&T in his role as Department Director of Technology Trade Fairs, is well aware of the commitment and dedication shown by the project manager: “Anne-Kathrin Müller did a fantastic job and made a significant contribution toward the further expansion of our market position on the world stage. It goes without saying that this will be recognised – one of the reasons why we generally keep track of opportunities for further employee development here at the company.”
In November, Anne-Kathrin Müller will be moving to the Business & Education division. Here, she will assume project management duties for the trade fairs Südback and Sachsenback. While he regrets the loss of Ms. Müller from the R&T team, Sebastian Schmid is more than ready for the coming trade fair year: “Our experienced colleague Melanie Brenner will be returning to work at the start of 2019 following her parental leave. Together with Philipp Götz, Ina Fröhlich and myself, our team will be complete again.” The course is now set for a successful R+T 2021!
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