R+T 2018: Expert know-how on doors and gates

Copyright: Messe Stuttgart

Messe Stuttgart receives significant support from the conceptual and professional supporters, as well as numerous organisations and associations, for the organisation of R+T in Stuttgart, which takes place from 27 February to 3 March 2018. As a result of these successful cooperative ventures, the visitors of the leading world trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems obtain clear added value through the high-quality accompanying programme.

The area of doors and gates in particular repeatedly shows a high demand for expertise and know-how. The organisers of R+T in Stuttgart are happy to meet this demand and together with strong partners are putting together an accompanying programme tailored to current industry issues for the upcoming leading world trade fair.

Doors’ and Gates’ Forum

An inherent part of the trade fair activities is the Doors’ and Gates’ Forum, which will be located in the new Paul Horn Hall (Hall 10) in 2018. Here experts from the BVT (National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers), BAS.T (German Drive and Control Engineering Association, Doors and Gates Division) and ift Rosenheim deal with current challenges and developments of the industry in short presentations and discussion groups. In 2018 the content of the short presentations, as well as discussion groups, will be, e.g. the challenges facing the door and gate manufacturers by the revised standards. The key points for the CE marking of doors and gates, as well as the safe operation of barriers, are also addressed.

The question of what Industry 4.0 brings to the door and gate industry is also on the agenda.

The FTA (Association of Manufacturers of Door and Gate Automation in Germany) is also at R+T in Stuttgart for the first time and will showcase itself in the form of a compact programme of seminars in the Doors’ and Gates’ Forum. Options for the networking of automatic door and gate systems and the added comfort with barrier-free passages are shown. At the leading world trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems, the FTA will also look at the requirements placed on automatic door and gate systems in the future by the Building Information Modelling (BIM) when planning buildings within the framework of a podium discussion.

ift special show

The demand for automatic components is growing steadily and justifiably so: The use of automatic components improves comfort and safety and also facilitates operation. Hence why the main topic of the special show of ift Rosenheim at R+T 2018 in Stuttgart is “Comfort + Safety of Automatic Doors and Gates”. This area engages the industry, as high requirements of functional and electrical safety, which must be determined in conjunction with the intended application and the user group, are associated with these components. Accordingly, the special show will focus on the presentation of safety and quality features of automatic doors and gates. The visitors receive information about what doors and gates, as well as their components, must and can do today, how the requirements are verifiable and what ways quality can be assured. The topics which are important for the industry can be experienced live at the stand of ift Rosenheim in the Paul Horn Hall.


Visitors who are primarily interested in gates can obtain valuable know-how at R+T 2018 in Stuttgart and get a head start with the accompanying programme which is tailored specifically to their respective needs. Trends and topics are identified, technical and often complex issues are presented in detail and other questions, e.g. in relation to standards, are answered through direct exchange with experts. The concentrated know-how and expertise of the industry is complemented by the optimised format in which the door and gate area is presented in Stuttgart. With the Alfred Kärcher Hall (Hall 8) and the Paul Horn Hall (Hall 10) it receives a separate hallway with direct connection to the newly designed West entrance. This way the visitors can obtain an even more transparent market overview than before in a more convenient manner.

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